Harshit Bagla

Profile Picture

My name is Harshit Bagla and I am a Sophomore in Computer Science at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. I have a passion for Data Science. I am a hiking and soccer enthusiast. I love to visit new places and make new friends. Also, I have been trying boxing lately; it's fun.

Broke Logo

It is a budget management app. It was built using React native. You can connect your bank account to this app and track your expenses categorically. The connection is secure and encrypted. It also allows the users to set a limit to their expenses.

Will soon be on App store and PlayStore.

Chatbot Logo

It is an AI chatbot which is able to converse with the user on text. It has three primary modules: frontend in Android and Java, API in Flask, and backend in Python. It can reply rudely sometimes as it was trained on a Reddit dataset.

Major help in backend by Conchylicultor.

T-Assist Logo

It is a reminder app. It was built using Flask, Python, Jinja2, HTML, CSS, and SQL. It sends customized reminder emails to the user on the set date.

You will have to set-up MySQL DB on your system to run it.

T-Assist Logo
Turing Fraternity

It is a website for my tech club named "Turing Fraternity." It is a student run club. We had origanized several tech symposiums in the past and still continue to do so. Several companies like Uber, Ola, RajComp have sponsored out event.

The website is continuous updated by the authorized student body.